'i have tried in my way to be free'

Wednesday 11 August 2010


I honestly intended to update this blog regularly, but after the initial flurry of excitement I realised, I have very little to say. And yet to say nothing seems like I'm failing..

So I got thinking about a project I worked on for my degree - everyday for 9 months I wrote a single word or sentence on a postcard and then displayed them chronologically on a decorators table.

This blog can be my new decorators table..

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea! And thanks for updating... I've been waiting to read more! What a great way to get yourself writing... just a single thought. I know it might feel like no one's reading, but I can't wait to see what sentences come up every day. It's always interesting just how much people in different place's lives tie in with your own...
